AFP logo at EBB Canberra

FOI disclosure log & routinely requested information

Disclosing information released in response to Freedom of Information access requests

Disclosure log

We are required under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) to publish a disclosure log on our website. It lists information that has been released in response to an FOI request. However, it doesn't apply to:

  • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • any information it is not reasonably practicable to publish because of the extent of modifications needed to be made to remove the information listed above.

There is currently one determination in force: Freedom of Information (Disclosure Log – Exempt Documents) Determination 2018. This determination covers:

  • information in a document that was an exempt document at the time access was given to the applicant
  • information in a document that the agency or minister would have decided was exempt at the time access was given to the applicant, if the request was made by someone other than the applicant.

Section 11C requires us to publish certain information released in response to an FOI access request within 10 working days of the decision to release. We will publish the information within this legislative timeframe.

We will generally publish this information for a 12 month period from the date the information is released in response to an FOI access request. The disclosure log will list only those FOI access requests where information has been released and a decision to publish the information has been made (i.e. the information is not otherwise exempt from publication under Section 11C provisions outlined above).


We don't charge a fee for providing access to information that can be downloaded from our disclosure log. However, where information is not available for download, a fee may be imposed to reimburse us if there are specific costs in reproducing and providing the information to you. You will be notified if a fee may be payable before the information is provided. Any fees which may be imposed are in accordance with those set out in Schedule 1 (parts 1 and 2) of the Freedom of Information (Charges) Regulations 2019.

Disclosure log

Our disclosure log includes information for a 12-month period from the date the information is released in response to an FOI access request. After this time, information can be accessed via our archived disclosure log.

There may be documents on the disclosure log that are currently not available in HTML format. If you are unable to read the format provided, please contact for assistance.


Disclosure Log ref no.FOI request ref no.Date access granted to applicantRequest (summary)Link to documents releasedDate to be removed from website
002-2025LEX 305109/12/2024Total costs for Australian Federal Police attendance to the 24th Annual Garma Festival at the Gulkula Ceremonial site in August 2024.
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001-2025LEX 325316/01/2025Documents relating to Operation Shrouded Horizon.
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# - Include if document published under s8(2)(g) provisions as opposed to s11C.

Disclosure log archives

If you require a copy of an archived disclosure log document, please contact the FOI team

Disclosure Log ref no.FOI request ref no.Date access granted to applicantRequest (summary)Link to documents releasedDate to be removed from website
064-2024  LEX 314820/12/2024Documents sought relating to the 1993 arrest of multiple people and search of a property related to the arrests.
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063-2024LEX 327619/12/2024Documents informing decision to investigate reports of crime involving money laundering/proceeds of crime    Link to documents
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062-2024LEX 307202/12/2024Record or summary of discussion from the Commissioner (incl a/Commissioner) to the AG in ‘late 2023’ regarding enterprise agreement negotiations.
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061-2024LEX 33309/12/2024Professional Standards category 3 and corruption Investigations 2023/2024.
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060-2024LEX 319104/12/2024Information relating to AFP Workplace Investigations Training.
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059-2024LEX 154122/05/2024
  1. Details of the expert practitioners that were consulted.
  2. Any records of the advice that was provided.
  3. Minutes or records of the meetings in which the changes to the National Guideline on Covid were approved.
  4. Any medical or industrial relations advice in relation to the requirement for AFP members to have two primary does of the Covid vaccine. 
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058-2024LEX 306615/11/2024Minutes of the ACT Driving Incident Review Committee 2018 where Hyundai iLoad vehicles are mentioned.
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057-2024LEX 306922/11/2024

Text messages regarding Enterprise Bargaining and containing one or more of the following terms:

  • Enterprise
  • Bargain
  • Bargaining
  • Bargainer
  • %
  • PIA
  • Industrial Action
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056-2024LEX 301122/11/2024Meetings of the Enterprise Bargaining Steering Committee, Enterprise Operations Board, and/or senior leadership forum, from 1 June to 31 July 2024 inclusive, where enterprise bargaining was discussed.
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055-2024LEX 317225/11/2024Statistics regarding cases/offences/convictions within the sex industry for specified offences.
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054-2024LEX 257217/09/2024Documents relating to AFP involvement in the investigation, consideration or prosecution relating to a ‘fake bomb’ placed on a car in Botany in NSW on 5 January 2024.
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053-2024LEX 238816/09/2024Documents about a pepper spray complaint on Norfolk Island and sanctions against officer.
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052-2024LEX 295920/08/2024Date at which Commissioner Determinations (overseas terms and conditions) 16 of 2007 was implemented.
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051-2024LEX 284630/09/2024Specific Senate Estimates briefing packs prepared for the COO for the period 27 March to 21 June 2024.
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050-2024LEX 255602/09/2024Correspondence between the AFP/APSC regarding exemptions (including partial exemptions) from the current Commonwealth bargaining policy after 1 November 2023.
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048-2024LEX 228705/11/2024Expert reports prepared for case R v. Aruran VinayagmoorthyPlease contact to seek a copy of the relevant documents.06/11/2025
047-2024LEX 248204/11/2024Documents relating to Entertainment services provided by Venues NSW under contract CN3972396
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046-2024LEX 306816/10/2024AFP staff headcount by state and sworn status - as at 31 August 2024.
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045-2024LEX 308930/09/2024AFP National Guideline on work, health, safety and rehabilitation management arrangements.
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044-2024          LEX 293002/09/2024

Statistics relating to the most recent Sergeant recruitment round commencing in 2023 demonstrating:

  • the gender breakdown
  • the age breakdown
  • have a detective designation or are on the detective designation continuum of both successful and unsuccessful applicants.
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LEX 252206/09/2024

 Documents and/or policies pertaining to the initial recruitment application and ongoing employment with the AFP for sworn officers  outlining the medical requirements and or psychologist evaluation for:

A new recruit; and

Ongoing requirements for:

Sworn officers and how often throughout their engagement and employment are they required to undertake a suitability test or medical test involving a psych evaluation.

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042-2024LEX 294231/07/2024An anonymised version of the “enquiry”, from that I should be able to confirm it pertained to “the issue of superannuation underpayment relating to superable contributions of allowances during the life of the 2012-2016 Enterprise Agreement”
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041-2024       LEX 269205/07/2024The date an AFP employee made an enquiry into superannuation errors during the life of the 2012-2016 Enterprise Agreement.
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LEX 2571  23/08/2024

Briefing packs for the COO Senate Estimates in the period of 1 January 2024 to 26 March 2024:

- From the ‘spillover estimates Mar 2024’ document, all pages from tab numbers 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 33, and 36

- From the ‘additional estimates February 2024’ document, all pages from tab numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 25, 26, 31, and 34.

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039-2024      LEX 2560 23/08/2024Text messages and the related conversation, sent or received by the AFP Commissioner, or a Deputy Commissioner, or a/Deputy Commissioner from 1 November to 22 December 2023 inclusive, regarding Enterprise Bargaining.
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038-2024LEX 289902/09/2024Records relating to an investigation of hacking attacks against Cambridge University (UK) and a Melbourne-based internet service provider.
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037-2024LEX 291816/08/2024Complaints data related to AFP appointees from 2019-20 to 2023-2024
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036-2024LEX 292119/08/2024Complaints/allegations of corruption made against AFP staff from 2019-20 to 2023-2024
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035-2024LEX 244702/08/2024

The following documents in relation to Operation Bourglinster:

A table referring to the overall cost of the operation;

All internal documents relating to reviews of the operation, excluding those provided by third parties;

All internal documents relating to the preparation of media statements, response to media queries, and briefing documents for parliamentary committees (Senate estimates etc) excluding documents and statements that have been released publicly.

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034-2024      LEX 283429/07/2024Documents relating to AFP Deployment Determinations
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033-2024LEX 236628/03/2024The total number of all AFP workers that did not comply with the CO10 relating to COVID-19 mandates who were terminated or resigned.
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032-2024LEX 28318/07/2024Definition of AFP members and breakdown of data
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031-2024LEX 25493/07/2024Documents in relation to the eviction of occupants from #8 Quality Row, Norfolk Island in 2022.
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030-2024LEX 253519/06/2024Documents in relation to financial costings of Police presence at the 2024 Summernats Festival.
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029-2024LEX 276614/06/2024Data table relating to number of complaints about unauthorised access and/or misuse of information by sworn AFP members excluding ACT Police.
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028-2024LEX 260711/06/2024Data table relating to number of complaints about unauthorised access and/or misuse of information by ACT Police.
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027-2024LEX 256415/05/2024Over the period 1 November 2019 to 6 November 2021 :

1. By year of birth/age, all documents/information about:
a). the total number of terminations;
b). the total number of resignations/separations (other than termination);

2. By reason, all documents/information about:

a) the total number of terminations;
b) the total number of resignations/separations (other than termination)
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026-2024LEX 254816/05/2024By Age or year of birth, documents/information about:

a) the total number of requests made for exemption to the CO10; and
b) the total number of exemptions to the CO10 that were rejected/not approved
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025-2024LEX 237411/06/2024Any document that details time spent in Israel by Australian Federal Police personnel for the purposes of training.
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024-2024LEX 23613/06/2024Correspondence from AFP Commissioner to Attorney - General Mark Dreyfus KC MP, regarding AFP Enterprise agreement conditions, exemptions and plans over the last 12 months (Jan 15 2023 to Jan 15 2024)
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023-2024LEX 219829/06/2024
  • ALL types of firearms and the number of each currently used within the AFP
  • ALL types of ammunition and the number of each currently used within the AFP.
  • The AFP tender process protocols for choosing firearms and ammunition from the most recent round
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022-2024LEX 216110/01/24Documents related to Operation Renewed Hope
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021-2024LEX 221031/01/24Documents relating to Long Service Leave entitlements.Please contact to seek a copy of the relevant documents.3/07/2025
020-2024LEX 234217/01/24Documents relating to Operation Downtown
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019-2024LEX 23738/03/24Briefing documents related to premillennialism and sovereign citizens.Please contact to seek a copy of the relevant documents.3/07/2025
018-2024LEX 217924/06/2024… documents between 2018 and 2022, that include one or both of two phrases:

“To date there have not been any successful war crimes prosecutions in Australia highlighting the complexity that investigations of these type present.”


“there are up to 70 Balkan identities wanted for war crimes in Australia”.
Please contact to seek a copy of the relevant documents.3/07/2025
017-2024LEX 24703/05/2024AFP Commissioner's Order on Operational Safety (CO3).
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016-2024LEX 20202/05/2024Details relating to AFP use of Large Language Models or Natural Language Processing .
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015-2024LEX 19262/05/2024Senate estimates briefings.
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014-2024LEX 252823/04/2024Total number of workplace incidents for the listed conditions and CO10 medical exemptions requests received between 25 January 2020 – 8 March 2024.
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013-2024LEX 209614/04/2024Documents relating to Chief Police Office of ACT Police trip to the Unites States regarding drug decriminalisation.Please contact to seek a copy of the relevant documents.14/05/2025
012-2024      LEX 254007/04/2024Documents relating to sexual offences in the ACT.
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011-2024LEX 244527/03/2024Statistics on People Smuggling charges since 13 May 2010.
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010-2024      LEX 239726/03/2024Documents relating to Robo-debt Scheme.
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009-2024LEX 227320/03/2024Documents relating to Electoral Integrity Assurance Taskforce (EIAT).
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008-2024LEX 219115/02/2024Statement of Facts relating to Operation Fuji.
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007-2024LEX 111109/02/2024AFP's estimates briefing pack for 2022 October and November Budget Estimates.
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006-2024LEX 23079/02/2024Oath or affirmation and appointment of AFP Executive.
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005-2024LEX 19099/02/2024Documents relating to tender contract CN3365132.Please contact to seek a copy of the relevant documents.14/05/2025
004-2024LEX 19852/02/2024Appointments of AFP DCs and A/Cs.
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003-2024LEX 226723/01/2024Documents relating to FOI requests.
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002-2024LEX 206418/01/2024… like a copy of the AFP formal request for evidence located overseas through the attorney General Department. An official letter email document and respond back to the AFP by the attorney general office.
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001-2024LEX 197718/01/2024… a copy of the legal opinion and other documents, emails, telephone logs, diary entries, ministerial briefings not under so-called legal privilege to the AFP from the Attorney General Office and International Law Division.
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# - Include if document published under s8(2)(g) provisions as opposed to s11C.

Disclosure Log ref no.FOI request ref no.Date access granted to applicantRequest (summary)Link to documents releasedDate to be removed from website
159-2023LEX 127918/04/2023- “Number of incidents where Police were involved and/or targeted;
- Dates and times of offences;
- Whether the offending driver was identified or not;
- Case outcomes/status (ie., NFPAR, Offender not identified, caution, referred for diversion, referred to court), including charges put before the court and their court case numbers (if known);
- Extent of injuries sustained to offending vehicle occupant/s and Police (basic status – ie., any case officer notes indicating minor, moderate or significant injuries); and
- Extent of damage to AFP vehicles (basic status – ie., any case officer notes indicating if it was minor, moderate or significant damage).”
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158-2023LEX 12495/04/2023Any documents, communications and emails about the acquisition of two watercraft vessels/boats to be used in NSW.
I request the date of the acquisitions, the cost of the boats, and the cost of the painting of the boats to reflect the AFP logo.
I also request any information relating to whether any AFP staff were trained or accredited to skipper those boats, and any information about special constables being sworn in to skipper the boats.
I also require details of a marine training course that was to be run to train staff to skipper the boats and act as crew - and the number of course participants.
The dates for this request are from January 1 2020, until January 11 2023.
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157-2023LEX 13643/07/2023Ministerial and policy briefings dated from 1 January 2018, related to online guides for the creation of 3D-printed firearms.
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156-2023LEX 175516/10/2023Contract and contract template of FOI staff.
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155-2023LEX 15875/10/2023AFP procedures and guidelines on search warrants.
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154-2023LEX 187410/08/2023Documentation provided by AFP in support of their contact with CSC in relation to the Review from 17 April 2018 going forward.
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153-2023LEX 129714/03/2023Data regarding the number of COVID-19 vaccination exemptions approved.
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152-2023LEX 217013/12/2023Documents relating to traffic infringements for the offence of NOT STOP AT STOP LINE AT YELLOW LIGHT.
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151-2023LEX 218522/12/2023Over the period 1 November 2021 to 6 November 2023:
1. By year of birth/or age, the total number of terminations;
2. By year of birth/or age, the total number of resignations/separations (other than termination);
3. By reason, the total number of terminations;
4. By reason, the total number of resignations/separations (other than termination)
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150-2023LEX 204914/12/2023All minutes between the AFP Bargaining representative/s and the AFPA between 11 January 2014 until December 2015.
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147-2023LEX 146511/07/2023

Data about the number of AFP appointees opting to cash out annual leave, 2017 to 2020.

Data about the number of AFP appointees opting to purchase annual leave, 2017 to 2020.

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146-2023LEX 138707/07/2023

Statistics related to the number of AFP appointees eligible to retire.

Statistics about the number of AFP appointees under Public Sector Superannuation.

Data as at 31 March 2023.

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145-2023LEX 138607/07/2023Statistics about the AFP workforce, 2016 to 2023.
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144-2023LEX 195214/12/202313/11/09 Page 12 Scanned items from coronial exhibit (List Only)
22/10/09 Page 10 Legal advice to and from AFP and documents. The legal firm or government agency who gave the legal advice and copy of that advice
25/11/2009 - Property item 316 2016/004/002 DVD disposed of (reason)
25/11/2009 - Property item 316/2016/004/002 DVD disposer of (reason)
25/11/2009 - Property item 316 2016/004/ Sealed envelope AFP STC disposer of (reason)
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143-2023LEX 169527/10/2023The names of all current OS operating systems installed on designated AFP work mobile device by police officers.
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142-2023LEX 20658/11/2023Documents about ACT Policing’s presence at the Norfolk Island Supreme Court on 13 September 2023.
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141-2023LEX 199720/10/2023All police reports about suspected drug offences recorded within the Capital Hill district since 1 January 2022.
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140-2023LEX 154910/10/20231. Current versions or the most recent previous version of policies, protocols, directives,
guidelines, rules, codes of practice, work instructions and procedures governing the following:
a) the detection and capture of information held by the AFP that is likely to be deemed
"operational information" for the purposes of formally assessing whether it can be classified as
b) the modification of operation information by delegation of any exempt matter to make it
suitable for publishing on the agency's website in accordance with section 8D(3) of the FOI Act.
c) the processing and handling of complaints made by members of the public about action/s
taken by the AFP in the performance of functions, or the exercise of powers, under the FOI Act.
2. Name and non-personal contact details of the public official who has overall responsibility
for executive leadership over the AFP's performance of functions under Part II of the FOI Act.
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139-2023LEX 193004/10/2023IT statistics showing the number and date/time of every connection to the and domain from AFP devices or networks.

The timeframe between 1 January 2023 to 4 August 2023.
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138-2023LEX 186104/09/2023Memos, briefings and correspondence, created July 10 to July 14 2023, on the topic of the policing "implementation plan" between China and Solomon Islands.
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137-2023LEX 184308/09/2023Privacy Impact Assessment of the Pilot of Forensic/Investigative Genetic Genealogy.
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128-2023LEX 125114/09/2023Documents relating to Operation Vanguard.
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129-2023LEX 128711/08/2023Documents relating to February 12 Canberra protests.
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130-2023LEX 145607/07/2023Emails regarding
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131-2023LEX 147409/08/2023Documents regarding Operation Angel Watch.
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132-2023LEX 148802/08/2023Documents relating to Binance's crypto training workshop.
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133-2023LEX 156101/09/2023Final report from the review regarding spit hoods in the ACT.
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134-2023LEX 171402/08/2023Emails between AFP and PwC.
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135-2023LEX 175407/07/2023AFP's FOI receipt logs between 1 January 2022 and 7 June 2023.
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136-2023LEX 201107/09/2023Media release from 29 November 2012.
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101-2023LEX 113016/01/2023

A list of all ACT policing officers who have been subject to code of conduct matters described as "Criminal misconduct" in the conduct issue reference guide, where the matters have been established. Include matters from the timeframe 2017 to the present.

Please include the following fields of data in the list:

  • Name of officer
  • AFP member number
  • Summary of misconduct matter
  • Date complaint submitted
  • Date complaint finalised
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102-2023LEX 132403/03/2023

The number of officers and staff that are off work due to violence, and a possible trend data for the last five years.

The number of officers and staff that have left the service due to violence in the last five years.

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103-2023LEX 114204/04/2023

Crime reports around Kippax shops between 01 January 2022 – present for:

  • Crimestoppers logs of people calling in to report crimes, suspected criminal behaviour and other anti-social behaviour at Kippax shops
  • Documents relating to:
  • crimes reported around the Kippax shops
  • number of crimes reported in the area of the Kippax shops
  • police response to the reported crime
  • crimes that resulted in an immediate deployment of police to Kippax shops
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104-2023LEX 133831/03/2023

All current documentation including legislative, regulatory instruments, ministerial or other government directives that authorise the AFP ACT Policing to operate a "Next Off Roster" (NOR) towing roster for towing operators in the A.C.T.

The AFP (including its members and ACT Policing) exercises functions and powers under the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 and the Australian Federal Police Regulations 2018, which are publicly available on the Federal Register of Legislation.

The selection of towing providers on the next off roster is otherwise not subject to any legislation.

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105-2023LEX 133003/04/2023

In relation to applications by members of the AFP in 2022 for secondary work/volunteering:

a. How many applications were made in relation to work/volunteering for political parties/organisations.
b. How many of these were approved broken down by the party/organisation.
c. How many were rejected broken down by the party/organisation.
d. For those that were rejected, what were the reasons for the rejection.

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106-2023LEX 137117/04/2023

The AFP resources per day that have been required to provide security at or outside the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canberra for all of 2022.

  • The total cost to the AFP of providing security at or outside the Embassy of the Russian Federation in 2022.
  • The AFP resources per day that were required to provide security at or outside the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canberra for all of 2021.
  • The total cost to the AFP of providing security at or outside the Embassy of the Russian Federation in 2021.
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107-2023LEX 55011/10/2022
  1. Any document, including any Schedule of amendment, or explanatory note, outlining or explaining the purpose or meaning of the Composite Overseas Allowance in Determination 20 of 2005.
  2. Copies of Enterprise Agreements and/or Certified Agreements applicable between 2000 and 2015 for Band 1-8 members, or equivalent; 2002 and 2015; referred to as the Transnational Crime Coordinator-PNG from 2012-2015.
Please contact the AFP Freedom Of Information team to seek a copy of the relevant documents.18/05/2024
108-2023LEX 55812/10/2022
  1. Copies of Enterprise Agreements and/or Certified Agreements applicable between 2010 and 2019 for Band 1-8 members, or equivalent.
  2. Copies of the original, and any updated version, of the Guide to Long Term International Deployments issued by the International Deployment Group between 2010 and 2019.
  3. Copies of and Determinations issued by the International Deployment Group pertaining to International Deployment Group deployments
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109-2023LEX 95326/10/2022

Attached position description for the role of Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission ('ACIC') Investigator ('the Role') and request a copy of the following:

  • Position descriptions and advertisements for the Role from 2017 to current date (August 2022), including any amendments to the description, selection criteria, and qualifications (essential and desirable).
  • Record of the salary paid for the Role during each secondment from 2017 to current date (August 2022), including the Band and Increment point for each period the Role was performed.
  • Record of each secondment for the Role from 2017 to current date (August 2022), including the start and end time for each secondment.
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110-2023LEX 116808/05/2023a. Details of the expert practitioners that were consulted.
b. Any records of the advice that was provided.
c. Minutes or records of the meetings in which the changes to the National Guideline on Covid were approved.
d. Any medical or industrial relations advice in relation to the requirement for AFP members to have two primary does of the covid vaccine.
Please contact the AFP Freedom Of Information team to seek a copy of the relevant documents.18/05/2024
111-2023LEX 1191  05/05/2023

Documents detailing the number of AFP officers sent to Qatar to protect/guard the Socceroos team, the length of the trip, and the cost of the trip.

Documents showing who authorised the trip, how officers were selected to go, and any "user pays" arrangement under which the Socceroos paid for the officers time and expenses.

Documents that shows the number of sporting teams the AFP has sent officers to protect during events overseas for the past three years.

The time period is from January 1 2019 until December 9, 2022.

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112-2023LEX 119924/03/2023A copy of the letter sent from Shane Drumgold SC to ACT Chief Police Officer Neil Gaughan on 1 November 2022.
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113-2023LEX 122812/05/2023Question Time Briefs prepared between 1 July and 1 December 2022 for the Attorney-General and/or other Ministers.
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114-2023LEX 121126/05/2023Documents showing the cost of the following operations: Operation Middleham, Operation Kastelholm 1, Operation Kastelholm 2, Operation Donabate.
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115-2023LEX 125608/06/2023List of names of members who sat as Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police Force who was appointed by the Governor-General between 1979 to 2021.
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116-2023LEX 116106/04/2023

Documents about category 4 corruption issues that were established and finalised in 2021-2022. Including:

  • Investigation reports (without annexures), outcome notifications and statistics of specific complaints.
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117-2023LEX 140405/06/2023Copy of the AFP museum catalog entries made in 2022
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118-2023LEX 166220/06/2023

I wish to make a request for the following documents under the Freedom of Information Act:

The AFP gift register for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016.

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119-2023LEX 130106/04/2023
  • The results of the AFP's 2022 staff survey.
  • Any email correspondence sent to staff about the results and how AFP leadership plans to respond to the results
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120-2023LEX 161014/06/2023

Number of Commonwealth offences occurring within the sex industry:

  • Offences: Specified statutory sections of the Criminal Code Act 1995: 270.3,270.5, 270.6A, 270.7, 271.2, 271.2A, 271.2B, 271.2C, 271.3, 271.4, 271.5, 271.6, 271.7, 271.7F, 271.7G, 271.8, 271.9
  • Time Frame: 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2022
  • Crime Data Sought: For statutory section, the number of:
  1. Referrals
  2. Cases considered by the AFP for future investigation,
  3. Offences; and
  4. Convictions
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121-2023LEX 91819/05/2023

1 July 2020 to 22 July 2022:

  • Emails between AFP employees/contractors and third parties, including:
  • The company Clearview AI, Hoan Ton-That or any Clearview staff member or associate; and
  • Overseas law enforcement bodies in the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, Germany and France as well as Interpol and/or individual overseas law enforcement officers/staff members/contractors in those same countries/agencies about Clearview AI.
  • Internal emails that mention the use of Clearview AI by AFP staff/contractors in the time period , whether as a test or as part of an investigation.
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122-2023LEX 161830/06/2023Processing of previous FOI request.
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123-2023LEX 145511/04/2023AFP briefing about sovereign citizens for the period 1-28 February 2022 excluding emails.
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124-2023LEX 132623/02/2023Current AFP staff statistics broken down by sworn status and geographical distribution as according to SAS9.
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125-2023LEX 128831/03/2023Current versions or the most recent previous version of policies, protocols, directives, guidelines, rules, codes of practice, work instructions and procedures governing the processing and handling of reports of incidents at Villawood Immigration Detention Centre ("Villawood IDC") involving violence. Memoranda of Understanding establishing current arrangements between the AFP and NSW Police Force for the referral of law enforcement matters relating to Villawood IDC.
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126-2023LEX 2304/08/2023All documents, assessments, interviews, CCPM assessments, emails or diary entries that relate to or mention discussions of alleged unauthorised disclosures related to the Guardian's publication of the Nauru files.
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127-2023LEX 149004/08/2023The Price Waterhouse Coopers and Nous reports which were commissioned by the AFP to investigate and report on policing numbers for the ACT.
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# - Include if document published under s8(2)(g) provisions as opposed to s11C.

Disclosure Log ref no. FOI request ref no. Date access granted to applicant Scope of request (summary)
76-2022 2022/985 04/02/2022 Report generated by AFP property system, detailing the number of electronic devices (as specified in the below list) held by the AFP, showing how long they were held and the current status of the item (egg returned to owner), and the length of time in which they were held, for the time period: May 1, 2017 until October 5, 2021.
77-2022 2022/976 25/01/2022 Current confidentiality/ non-disclosure agreement template/s developed by the AFP for procurement and/or informant purposes – excluding any whole of government and/or other agency developed templates and duplications of templates that may be captured by this request that appear in other multipurpose templates.
78-2022 2022/978 21/03/2022

Limited tender contracts CN3400717, CN3294590, CN3288980, CN3007752 and CN2212321.

The following contract variations CN2212321-A1, CN2212321-A2, CN2212321-A3, CN2212321-A4, CN3007752-A1, and CN3007752-A2.

79-2022 2022/1121 06/04/2022 The number of applications by AFP employees for secondary work submitted and the number of applications for secondary work approved from August 2020 relating to modelling, media photography, advertising and any other similar activities.
82-2022 2021/332 13/04/2022
  1. The number of police incidents/events tasers were used each year for the past two financial years (2018/19 and 2019/20);
  2. A breakdown of whether they were involved in a. draw and cover, b. discharging barbs (firing a taser), c. used in drive stun mode, d. accidentally discharged.
  3. Of those in point two, the related reports and AV material (include taser camera footage, helmet camera footage/body worn camera footage, CCTV in relation to points b (firing of a taser) and c (drive stun).
90-2022 2022/1069 26/04/2022 A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation and Information Exchange between the Australian Federal Police and Sportradar.
91-2022 LEX 887 (CRM 2022/1176) 09/08/2022 Documents relating to the AFP Women's Network (whatever it might be called) for the financial year 2020-2021, and from 1 July 2021 until the date of this request.
92-2022 CRM 2020/32 01/08/2022 Request for access to written correspondence from the AFP to Peter Dutton – Minister for Home Affairs – on 25 June 2018.
93-2022 LEX 888 05/09/2022 PowerPoint slides, notes and any materials relating to the AFP graduate program's orientation sessions given to new staff from the beginning of this year's graduate program to date.
94-2022 LEX 882 02/09/2022

In relation to a joint investigation by the AFP/ADF around 2004, which looked into allegations aired in an SBS Dateline episode aired on 5 November 2003, about mistreatment of detainees in East Timor in September 1999:

  • Case Finalisation Case Note Entry (CNE 148733267)
  • Post Operational Assessment (Doc ID 4526734)
  • Executive Brief – Investigation Report (Doc ID 4264578)
95-2022 LEX 960 12/09/2022 The case categorisation and prioritisation model (CCPM) for the AFP's evaluation of allegations involving a federal MP’s travel and activities in the Philippines.
96-2022 LEX 978 17/10/2022

... any governance, policy, Better Practice Guide or other formal AFP document that defines the term 'transfer' or 'transfer to a vacant position'.

Any governance, policy, Better Practice Guide or other formal AFP document that defines the term 'relocation' or 'relocation and the employee's request'.

97-2022 LEX 932 LEX 932 ... documents containing the annual licence for ...VMware
98-2022 LEX 1049 10/11/2022

... and I request the following documents:

  • containing the agency's internal information management training
  • training materials, including questions and answer options in the assessment and the correct answers.
99-2022 LEX 1095 22/11/2022

… relating to Table A4 – Finalised conduct breaches by category, 2020-21, Appendix A, p124, AFP Annual Report 2020-21

… a break down of the band level (including whether executive) and employment status (sworn /professional) of employees for each of the categories (I, 2, 3, and 4) under each of the headings (Established, Not established, Withdrawn, Discretion not to proceed).

Disclosure Log ref no. FOI request ref no. Date access granted to applicant Scope of request (summary)
53-2022 2021/587 5/7/2021 Summary of time recording data for the Strategic, Performance and Innovation ('SPI') team between January 2020 and June 2020.
54-2022 2021/581 16/7/2021 Seeking: Copies of advice provided by those departments used for the AFP to make a decision that they have correctly applied legislation, or copies of notes of meetings or briefings prepared as a result of those consultations.
55-2022 2021/757 15/7/2021 Commissioner's Determination 12 (relating to me deployment to Afghanistan: August 2011 to August 2012…)
56-2022 2021/512 12/7/2021

Background: The Australian Federal Police recently made a decision relating to the treatment of rent free accommodation for superannuation salary.

Seeking: A 'statement of reason' for the decision that has been made; a document that should set out findings of any material of fact that underpin the decision as well as any evidence or other material relied upon. Also seeking that material, evidence or other material, information as to whether the decision maker is willing to review this decision and if not who within the Australian Federal Police might undertake this task and what process, time limits or special procedures l will need to follow in order for that to occur.


  • details of who within the Australian Federal Police actually made the decision;
  • who within the Australian Federal Police had carriage of this matter;
  • what delegation, authority or instrument does the decision maker rely upon in making this decision;
  • a copy of that written delegation, authority or instrument; and
  • a copy of any relevant policy, Commissioner's Financial Instruction, business rule, procedure, direction, case law or similar relied upon in making the decision. 
57-2022 2021/383 16/06/2021 Documents showing an investigation plan or outline on how and why the AFP planned to investigate whether any member of the AFP leaked information to the media about the raid on the home of NSW MP Shaoquett Moselmane.
58-2022 2021/478 10/06/2021 Documents related to the AFP investigating a tweet liked by Greg Hunt on December 10, 2017.
59-2022 2021/578 10/06/2021 All documents relevant to a map and/or remote thermal infrared survey or aerial laser scan of a well or mineshaft at 12 Vinton Street, California Gully 3556, as part of the Missing Persons investigation into the disappearance of Maureen Braddy and Allan Whyte from Bendigo in 1968.
60-2022 2021/593 07/06/2021 Internal correspondence within ACT Policing, which include references to 'SpyWhale', created between the dates of February 1 and April 2, 2021.
62-2022 2021/653 28/07/2021 Any briefing notes or summary material given to ACT Policing's Chief Police Officer Neil Gaughan about the Ombudsman report into the AFP's use and administration of telecommunications data.
63-2022 2021/697 30/07/2021 MoU between AFP (ACT Policing) and Housing ACT
64-2022 2022/785 09/08/2021 ACT Policing policy, direction or instructions, concerning ACT Policing members wearing face coverings when interacting with members of the public
65-2022 2022/806 27/08/2021 A summary document outlining the number of forced marriages investigated by the Australian Federal Police in the State of Victoria from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021
66-2022 2021/729 31/08/2021 Document providing AFP response to Senate Estimates on possible privacy breach by Telstra
67-2022 2021/708 16/09/2021 Documents dated between 16 March 2003 to 17 February 2004 regarding an investigation into a 6 October 1999 incident regarding Australian Defence Force personnel in Suai, East Timor and allegations of detainee mistreatment in Dili between 6 October and 10 October 1999.
68-2022 2022/805 20/09/2021 Document relating to requests from the AFP to government agencies for COVID-19 check-in information
69-2022 2021/681 09/09/2021
  • Internal report into the incident in Strathfield NSW in July 2020 during which AFP officers shot at a vehicle being driven by an alleged drug dealer.
  • Any emails, and internal communications, briefing notes or talking points regarding the report.
  • Findings of the report in relation to the police following procedures, or not, any incidents on the day, including the failure of equipment, failure to have operational orders in place, and the recommendations of that report.
70-2022 2021/685 21/09/2021 Any briefing to senior executive regarding a media report or the issues raised in the media reporting regarding the telephone intercept system not recording all calls or loosing calls, and issues with 3G and 4G mobile networks impacting telephone intercepts.
71-2022 2021/767 03/09/2021 A copy of the briefing prepared for AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw for his 8 June 2021 press conference about Operation Ironside.
72-2022 2022/774 09/09/2021 The final operation or post operation report or any other such report that provides an operational overview (such as an executive briefing) of AFP Operation GOULA.
73-2022 2022/925 18/11/2021
  1. "Report generated by AFP property system, detailing the number of electronic devices (as specified in the below list) held by the AFP, showing how long they were held and the number of items returned to their owners, and the length of time in which they were held, for the time period: May 1, 2017 until October 5, 2021."
  2. The current AFP policy on the seizure and return of electronic devices.
  • Mobile Phone
  • Computer
  • USB Storage Device
  • Laptop
  • Cameras, Movie
  • Telephones
  • Dedicated Encrypted Communication Device
  • Cameras, Still
  • Tablet
  • Computer Tablet
  • Cash Registers
  • Camera
  • Cash Counting Machine
  • Adding Machine
  • IPod
  • Calculator
  • Dash Camera
  • Scanner
  • Router
  • Audio Voice Recorder
  • WIFI Equipment
  • Smart Watch
  • Radar Detectors
  • Phone Answering Appliance
  • Audio Visual Receiver
  • Audio Visual Player
74-2022 2022/875 02/11/2021
  1. Australian Federal Police's submission document to the AWEI scheme;
  2. Data collated by Australian Federal Police for provision to Pride in Diversity and AWEI scheme;
  3. Results of AWEI employee survey conducted by Australian Federal Police on Australian Federal Police employees;
  4. Invoices to or from ACON and Pride in Diversity.
75-2022 2021/152 11/11/2021

Documents relating to JCLEC, specifically details of attendees at training courses, outcomes of Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM), processes for assessing suitability of attendees of courses at JCLEC, as well as compliance with human rights standards.

19-2020 2021/324 18/12/2021

Request for information as to the shoulder badges of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to learn about the ranks of the AFP and different shoulder badges of the AFP.

22-2020 2021/281 07/01/2021 Request for the CCPM log for any log for and AFP operations which is looking or has previously looked into allegations of inappropriate money transfers to Australia from the Vatican.
26-2020 2021/231 15/01/2021 Documentation for AusTender contracts CN3577641, CN667652-A6, CN2667662-A5, CN2667652-A4, CN2667652-A3, CN2667652-A2, CN2667652-A1, CN2667652 between 15 October 2014 to 14 October 2021 and information or data in a table showing whether each of those contracts had confidentiality clauses and if they did the type of clause.
27-2020 2021/119 31/01/2021 Request for any correspondence, emails, communications including text messages and whatsapp messages regarding my FOI "request under freedom of information laws any documents, emails, communications, text messages and whatsapp messages and any other form of contact between any AFP employees, including the media team and the director of strategic director communications, and any media outlet and journalist, regarding the search warrants to be conducted on Shaoquette Moslemane's home and office. I require all media talking points and briefings to the Minister."

The time frame is from August 11, 2020 until August 24, 2020.
33-2020 2021/233 25/01/2021 The complete findings of an internal review into the ACT Watch House which was conducted in 2018.
36-2020 2020/769 7/1/2021

Request for documents relating to AFP cooperation with, or support for, the Government of Sri Lanka and their entities, including, the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and/or Terrorism Investigations Division/Department (TID) in Sri Lanka since 2018'.

In particular we are seeking documents which relate to:

  1. training;
  2. key activities;
  3. operations;
  4. bilateral exercises;
  5. visits from AFP personnel to Sri Lanka
  6. visits from Sri Lankan police to Australia
  7. provision of equipment;
  8. provision of other material support; and
  9. intelligence sharing.

We exclude the following documents from my request: publicly accessible documents; and duplicates.

We exclude personal email addresses, signatures, PMKeys numbers and mobile telephone numbers, contained in documents that fall within the scope of the FOI request.

40-2020 2021/419 23/3/2021

Request for any documents including media talking points, reports, briefings to the Minister, and any investigation outline of inquiries into the death of an army officer in the ADF precinct in Canberra on December 21.

I do not require any personal details about the deceased.

The time frame is from December 21, 2020 until January 18, 2021."

42-2020 2021/254 9/3/2021 Request for all case notes relating to Operation Downtown for the period 1 Jan to 27 Oct 2020
43-2020 2021/489 28/4/2021
  1. The material AFP provided to new employees in their induction package that relates to prior service. This will include a form the previous employer completes stating dates of service, LSL accrued\used\payed out as well as a document that outlines what the new employee has to do to have prior service recognised, what is an eligible employee, who is eligible etc;
  2. The AFP policy/procedure that ensures all AFP employees do request that their eligible prior service is recognised; and
  3. The action the AFP takes when it discovers that an employee hasn't requested their eligible prior service to be recognised.
44-2020 2021/382 22/4/2021 I request the contract documents and probity report for AusTender contract CN 3738641
46-2020 2021/200 13/5/2021 Request for contract documents relating to CN3507329-A1 and CN3507329-2, including correspondence within the AFP created as part of extending the original contract about Black Swan's connection with Paladin or its directors.
47-2020 2021/497 10/5/2021 A copy of the latest staff survey conducted with AFP staff.
48-2020 2021/523 7/5/2021 Request for copies of Commissioner's Determinations in relation to deployments overseas.
49-2020 2021/454 27/4/2021 A copy of the letter from the Commonwealth Ombudsman and the AFP response in relation to the investigation concerning the Balibo 5.
50-2020 2021/530 14/4/2021

All documents that relate to the consultations undertaken with AFP officers involved in the meeting identified in the documents released in CRM 2018/390.

These consultations are referred to in the AFP submissions relating to this matter which set out:  'Which included contacting the AFP officer who attended the meeting of 30 August 2016 with the Department of Home Affairs'.
51-2020 2021/498 24/5/2021 Initial briefing to the Minister for Home Affairs on politically sensitive matters

Disclosure Log ref no. FOI request ref no. Date access granted to applicant Scope of request (summary)
42-2019 2020/363 2/1/20 Request for communications between the AFP media team and Home Affairs Minister's office in relation to a media enquiry regarding Deputy Commissioner Neil Gaughan's WhatsApp messages.
44-2019 2020/346 17/1/20 Documents relating to authorised disclosure referral in relation to the information contained in the article 'taipei-ing through the nose for medi-tourist'.
45-2019 2019/622 20/1/20 Documents relating to allegations and/or criminal complaints alleging offences of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or torture relevant to the conduct of activities in the conflict in Sri Lanka which concluded in May 2009.
47-2019 2020/449 20/3/20 Request for access to the documents NSW Police referred to the AFP, regarding the NSW Police investigation into the alleged doctoring of a document by Mr Angus Taylor or his office.
01-2020 2020/582 13/7/20 Request for documents relating to Clearview.AI
02-2020 2020/671 13/7/20 Request for documents relating to Clearview.AI
03-2020 2020/753 15/09/2020 Request for documents relating to Jefferey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
04-2020 2021/10 12/10/2020 Documents from 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2020 relating to any investigation in relation to bullying, harassment, or why people were getting sick at Pine Gap
05-2020 2021/74 27/10/2020 Request for a list of current AFP functional governance and Better Practice Guides held by Manager People Strategies
06-2020 2020/452 30/09/2020 Request for reports regarding the decontamination/specialist cleaning/occupational health and the Minutes of the Board meeting – relating to the Sydney Office.
07-2020 2021/06 31/08/2020 Request for information about the autism or mental health training the AFP started on 17 February 2020.
08-2020 2021/07 31/08/2020 Request for information held by the AFP showing that autism is a mental health issue, or that ACT Police or other parts of the ACT Government regard autism as a mental health issue.
09-2020 2021/75 31/08/2020 Request for the number of occurrences in which Manager People Strategies assigned the duties of an AFP employee under section 40H(l) of the AFP Act.
10-2020 2021/87 31/08/2020 Request for statistics regarding COVID-19
11-2020 2021/76 31/08/2020 Requests for a list of job titles of all the position/job titles of every non-APS contractor working within the AFP. 
12-2020 2020/810 24/08/2020 Request for statistics regarding employees being declared excess or made redundant under AFP Enterprise Agreements
13-2020 2020/811 24/08/2020 Request for information in relation to performance improvement plans
14-2020 2021/4 24/12/2020 Documents relating to the NSW Police referral regarding allegations of falsifying documents
15-2020 2020/356 31/3/2020 Request for the briefing pack prepared for the AFP Commissioner for Senate Estimates in November 2019.
16-2020 2021/96 26/11/2020 Request for any documents, emails, communications, text messages and WhatsApp messages and any other form of contact between any AFP employees, including the media team and the director of strategic director communications, and any media outlet and journalist, regarding the search warrants to be conducted on Shaoquette Moslemane's home and office. The timeframe is from 31 January 2020 until 11 August 2020.
17-2020 2021/79 26/08/2020 Request for documents regarding the training of sworn police officers in the AFP.
  1. How many Police have received introductory cybercrime investigations training since 2000?
  2. How many Police have received advanced cybercrime investigations training since 2000?
  3. How many Police currently have a full-time role in investigating cybercrime?
  4. How many sworn Police officers are currently employed by the AFP?
18-2020 2021/90 30/10/2020 Request for:
  1. The total cost and number of officers deployed for the Visit of US President Obama (November 16 -November 17, 2011)
  2. The total cost and number of officers deployed for the Visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (October 19 - October 29, 2011)
  3. The total cost and number of officers deployed for the Visit of British Prime Minister David Cameron (November 2014).
20-2020 2021/26 3/12/2020 Documents in relation to the 'new AFP reserve force referred to by Commissioner Kershaw in his opening statement to the Senate Selection Commission on COVID-19 on 17 May 2020'.
21-2020 2021/208 19/10/2020 Request for statistics/number of Comcare claims/injuries reported Australian wide for members since the introductions of the Ballistic & Spike Rated Vests (BSRV) and the number of successful and unsuccessful Comcare claims and workplace incident reports.
23-2020 2021/256 11/11/2020 Requesting National Guideline on Property and Exhibits.
24-2020 2021/173 19/10/2020 Copy of the Australian Police guidelines for officers altering their uniforms, in particular wearing blue line badges.
25-2020 2021/131 26/10/2020

Requesting: Information about claims of sexual abuse and/or harassment in the AFP.

For each of the last 5 financial years I request the following:

  • The number of sexual abuse claims finalised by the AFP.
  • The number of claims finalised that were found to be in favour of the victim.
  • The total amount paid out by the AFP to these victims, and
  • The number of AFP personnel who, as perpetrators of sexual abuse, were disciplined or given an option of resigning"
28-2020 2021/157 16/11/2020 Any documents, correspondence, reports, directives and briefings regarding staff being required to submit an "Integrity Report" or "Security Incident Report" in relation to declarable association with a media representative; and also any document informing staff they no longer are required to submit an integrity report or security incident report in relation to declarable association with a media representative.

The time frame is from January 1, 2016 until September 9, 2020
29-2020 2021/150 11/11/2020 Request for any documents, reports, briefings and emails relating to compensation paid by the AFP for wrongful arrest, malicious prosecution, dereliction of duty or any other matter for which the AFP has paid out in such a case.
I require the number of instances, if confidentiality clauses were included, the reasons and the total amounts paid.

The time period is from January 1, 2015 until September 7, 2020."
30-2020 2021/151 16/11/2020 Request for any documents, reports, briefings, and emails, regarding the number of AFP employees charged with an offence. I require the position of the person charged, the type of offence, and the date and the outcome if finished. I do not require any identifying details of the person charged. If such documents do not exist I am satisfied with a summary being compiled.
31-2020 2020/699 26/10/2020 Request for access to the documents which:

Formally sets up this JTF to conduct this investigation;
Specifies the roles of each law enforcement agency within this JTF and how these roles are to be performed;
Gives authorization of members of different law enforcement agencies to work along-side each other in this JTF;
Is a memorandum of understanding or agreement between these agencies for this JTF to be initiated;
Any other document connected to the creation of the JTF;
Specifies who the oversight committee of this JTF is.

Specifies how information is to be documented when AFP employees are working along-side members of other law enforcement agencies (in all circumstances, not just restricted to this JTF). Particularly, the document should describe whether both agencies create their own documents for their investigative findings or whether one agency creates the document and this is shared by members of a JTF.

Dictates what class of information or class of documents is not to be shared with other members of this JTF.
32-2020 2020/756 6/7/2020 Request for the CCPM log for the AFP operation which under which a search warrant was executed on the Sydney offices of Regal Funds Management on November 26, 2019.
34-2020 2020/813 6/10/2020

Request for information as follows:

  1. Between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2020, the number of payments made by the Commissioner under section 35A of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (Cth)?
Between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2020, the total amount of payments made by the Commissioner under section 35A of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (Cth)?
35-2020 2020/763 11/9/2020

Any documents, emails, memos, relating to: (a) the appointment of any former journalists (b) specifically Renee Viellaris to a position within AFP (within last 12 months).

37-2020 2020/778 13/7/2020

Request for access to documents: "Within the timeframe: 1st of January 2019 - 22nd May 2020: 

  1. Documents that contain correspondence with Clearview AI or individuals working on behalf of Clearview AI and the Australian Federal Police or representatives of the Australia Police 
  2. Documents outlining policies and procedures on how Clearview AI is to be used by the Australian Federal Police
  3. Documents that contain instances of misuse or beaches in how Clearview AI has been used by the Australian Federal Police 
  4. Incident reports that include examples of the application of Clearview AI 
  5. Documents that evaluate the effectiveness of Clearview AI.
  6. The number of times that Clearview AI has been implemented during an investigation – See document 1.
  7. The number of times that Clearview AI has been applied in a cases that led to an arrest.
  8. The number of searches that have been made using Clearview AI – see document 1.

I note that it is likely that the documents requested in section (6) (7) and (8) of my request may not exist in discrete form. 

In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act, I request that, if this is the case, the agency (c) produce a written document containing the information in discrete form by: (i) the use of a computer or other equipment that is ordinarily available to the agency for retrieving or collating stored information." 
38-2020 2021/118 18/10/2020

Request for any reports, briefings, and correspondence relating to damage to AFP, ACT Policing and Protective Service vehicles. In particular I would like the number of vehicles damaged, the cause of the damage and the cost to repair and replace.

The timeframe is from January 1, 2016 until August 18, 2020.

39-2020 2021/10 12/10/2020

Request for any document, report, email and communication of any kind regarding an investigation by the AFP and or any other agency, regarding, bullying, harassment and why people were getting sick at Pine Gap.

The time frame is from January 1 2014 to June 30, 2020.

41-2020 2020/579 13/7/2020

Any documents or records concerning the use of Clearview technology by AFP employees or associated entities, including the details and dates of searches made on the company's technology.

Any correspondence, including but not limited to internal emails, text messages and notes, made concerning the use of Clearview technology by AFP employees or associated entities, including searches made on the company's technology. This includes any external correspondence, including but not limited to correspondence with federal ministers, state police services, regulatory bodies and media.
48-2019 2019/478 14/4/20 Request for documents arising from the AFP investigation into allegations information was leaked about the ROC/AFP raids of the AWU.

Disclosure Log ref no. FOI request ref no. Date access granted to applicant Scope of request (summary)
31-2019 2020/77 25/11/19 Request for documents used for training on people smuggling at the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation.
32-2019 2020/110 12/11/19 Access to information about all critical decisions for Operation Elaphiti and investigation team diary notes.
33-2019 2020/315 25/11/19 Request for disaggregated data categorised into indigenous/non-indigenous persons for persons taken into custody in the ACT between 22 October 2014 and 22 October 2019 pursuant to section 4 Intoxicated People (Care and Protection) Act 1994.
34-2019 2020/263 13/12/19 Request for documents including briefings to and from the Minister regarding the non-renewal of contracts for Leanne Close and Sue Bird and the discussions around the contract of Neil Gaughan. Request also any communications around the restructuring of the senior executive positions.
35-2019 2020/367 20/12/19 Request for documents comprising all correspondence between Ramzi Jabbour and John Lawler re Mohammad Haneef.
36-2019 2020/43 20/12/19 Access to information about Operation Rhodium and Operation Isogon.
40-2019 2020/372 16/12/19 Access to information about the AFP's Freedom of Information business rules, guidelines, manuals and templates.
41-2019 2020/84 19/12/19 Access to information about emails exchanged between a former AFP Commissioner and a former Herald Sun journalist.
43-2019 2020/252 20/11/19 Request for the CETEC Professional Scientific Solutions document title 'Illicit Drug Contamination Assessment'.
46-2019 2020/204 and 2020/216 5/12/19 Documents relating to the Ministerial Direction issued by the Minister for Home Affairs to the AFP on 8 August 2019.

Disclosure Log ref no. FOI request ref no. Date access granted to applicant Scope of request (summary)
31-2017 2017/545 26/3/18 Media strategy and enquiries and responses to media outlets regarding Operation Elbrus (re Michael Cranston)
32-2017 2018/550 24/4/18 Copy of the CCPM assessment of the alleged unauthorised leak of information about the police raids on the AWU offices on 24 October 2017.
33-2017 2017/465 3/5/18 Established findings in relation to investigations into alleged or possible misuse or excessive expenditure in relation to entertainment, accommodation, food and beverages and/or travel claims made by AFP officers assigned to protective duties overseas in the last two years.
34-2017 2018/507 30/4/18 A summary document outlining the number of forced marriages investigated by the AFP in the state of Victoria by month from June 2016 until February 2018.
35-2017 2018/567 20/6/18 Documents relating to process for reporting of child sexual abuse to ACT Policing
1-2018 2018/435 24/7/18 Documents relating to the arrival of Schapelle Corby to Australia on 28 May 2017
2-2018 2018/429 24/7/18 Documents relating to alcohol-related assaults in the ACT
3-2018 2018/631 26/7/18 The number, and type, of illegal firearms seized by ACT Policing between April 2017 and March 2018.
4-2018 2019/41 22/8/18 Request for all staff communiques regarding the recently announced change to the uniform guidelines relating to visible tattoos and all internal discussions forum postings that relate to the above mentioned policy.
5-2018 2018/577 22/8/18 Briefings concerning the number of illegal or irregular immigrants prevented from boarding boats from Indonesia to Australia
6-2018 2017/86 7/8/18 AFP documents relating to Operation Taupe
7-2018 2018/634 15/8/18 AFP documents relating to previous FOI decision concerning Operation Taupe
8-2018 2018/635 15/8/18 AFP documents relating to previous FOI decision concerning Operation Taupe
9-2018 2018/636 15/8/18 AFP documents relating to previous FOI decision concerning Operation Taupe
10-2018 2018/324 11/9/18 AFP hospitality declarations
11-2018 2019/66 12/9/18 Case summaries in relation to serious misconduct and use of force made against ACT police officers for the past two financial/calendar years
12-2018 2018/582 8/10/18 Documents relating to the Psyfari Festival on 23-25 February 2018 and Tech Yes event on 17-18 March 2018
13-2018 2019/109 28/9/18 Documents relating to the acquisition of software tools from Kent Police (CN3231232)
14-2018 2018/561 11/10/18 Documents relating to future/projected staffing demands on ACT Policing and projected crime rates in the ACT
15-2018 2018/622 29/8/18 Request for any policy document, report or Executive brief detailing consideration given to the use of body worn cameras by ACT Policing Officers
16-2018 2019/136 26/10/18 Briefings to senior AFP officers relating to meeting in Lombok on 5 August 2018
17-2018 2018/575 26/10/18 Documents relating to the AFP's funding of the Indonesian National Police between 2009 and 2011

Disclosure Log ref no. FOI request ref no. Date access granted to applicant Scope of request (summary)
51-2016 2017/86 3/1/2017 AFP documents relating to Operation Taupe.
52-2016 2017/108 3/1/2017 Documents, such as incident report, executive or ministerial briefing notes and attachments, photos and CCTV since 1 January 2015, relating to arrests and changes following incidents at Parliament House.
54-2016 2017/205 17/1/2017 Request for documents in relation to the use of pistols to destroy animal, and possession and use of suppressors
01-2017 2017/204 10/2/2017 Request for documents in relation to assistance provided to Indonesia for the purpose of combating migrant smuggling
02-2017 2017/259 6/2/2017 Request for final reports/case summaries in relation to prohibited importing of firearms from 1 December 2015 to 1 December 2016.
03-2017 2017/200 15/2/2017 Request for Papua New Guinea-Australia Policing Partnership (PNG-APP) Phase 4 Weekly Mission Reports for the period January to August 2014.
Request for email correspondence between the AFP Mission Commander and AFP head office in Canberra for the same period relating to diplomatic relations between Australian and PNG in the context of the Regional Resettlement Arrangement signed in July 2013 by Kevin Rudd and PNG Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill.
04-2017 2017/323 21/3/2017 Request for documentation that provides detail into the processes about how the AFP handles forensic DNA data, including once the DNA data is no longer needed for investigations, nationally and internationally
05-2017 2017/274 31/3/2017 Documents in relation to ACT Policing members who hold and/or are facing criminal charges/convictions
06-2017 2017/363 11/4/2017

The number of cases from January 2015 to current;
* where information has been provided by the AFP, either voluntarily or in response to a request for assistance, to foreign law enforcement agencies or officials prior to detention, arrest, charge or conviction where the AFP is aware that provision of information is likely to result in the prosecution of an identified person for an offence carrying the death penalty;
* where requests for police-to-police assistance have been refused by the AFP in the circumstances outlined above;
* where information has been provided by the AFP to foreign law enforcement agencies or officials after a person has been arrested or detained for, charged with, or convicted of any offence which may attract the death penalty;
* where requests for police-to-police assistance have been refused by the AFP in the circumstances outlined above.

Information is also sought on the nature of the charge, as outlined in the biannual reports to the Minister.
07-2017 2017/316 24/4/2017 I am seeking information relating to countering violent extremism (CVE) programs. Specifically, I am seeking:
* Any reports and/or evaluations and/or analysis and/or reviews of countering violent extremism programs and/or any other early intervention programs and/or initiatives aimed at preventing terrorism produced over the past 12 months.
Please note the initiatives we are interested in include, but are not limited to:
* The National Disruption Group.
I advise I am not interested in duplicate copies of documents or documents that have already been publicly released or media releases, media articles, media statements or talking points.
08-2017 CRM 2017/484 26/4/2017 Document in relation to crime data in Australian Capital Territory
09-2017 2017/439 23/4/2017 Request for professional standards investigation findings in relation to AFP officers since December 2015
10-2017 2017/483 12/5/2017 Request for statistics regarding the 2015/2016 annual reports to the Minister for Justice setting out statistics on information sharing in death penalty cases with foreign law enforcement.
11-2017 2017/514 17/5/2017 Request for sexual assault statistics since 1 May 2015 which led to police prosecution.
12-2017 2017/527 22/5/2017 Request for information regarding the risk assessment procedures used by Police in incidences of family violence.
13-2017 2017/371 26/5/2017 Request for documents relating to the incidences of multiple voting in the 2013 and 2016 Federal Elections
14-2017 2017/485 30/5/2017 Request for raw crime data for the ACT in relation to assault, property damage, robbery and burglary.
15-2017 2017/416 24/5/2017 Request for documents produced since 1 January 2012 showing information on the number of police officers, including a male to female ratio that have been tested positive for steroids including the type of drug and details of disciplinary action or resignation.
16-2017 2017/375 30/5/2017 Request for documents produced since 1 January 2015 relating to offences such as assaults or robberies, against the person committed at sea
17-2017 2017/322 8/6/2017 Request for documents in relation to facial recognition and social media monitoring
18-2017 2017/460 8/6/2017 Request for documents in relation to the misuse of PROMIS or RAPID systems by ACT Policing members
19-2017 2017/513 20/6/2017 Request for documents concerning Operation Rhodium/Mocha, in particular documentation concerning the red suitcase
20-2017 2017/503 22/6/2017 The notification to TID in relation to the unlawful access of a journalist's phone records set out by Commissioner Andrew Colvin on Friday 28 May
21-2017 2017/470 22/6/2017 All documents or correspondence relating to complaints about or internal investigations into the improper access or use of retained metadata by employees of the Australian Federal Police
22-2017 2017/469 5/7/2017 Any document prepared by the AFP summarising the impact of the 2016-17 Federal Budget on police operations
23-2017 2017/202 11/7/2017 Case summaries for the most recent 100 Aviation matters which involve the following confirmed incident types
  • Firearms/weapons incident
  • Prohibited weapons
  • Prohibited weapons at screening point
24-2017 2017/609 26/7/2017 Documents in relation to forced marriages in Victoria from January 2016 until May 2017
25-2017 2017/635 26/7/2017 Documents in relation to forced marriages in Victoria from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2016
26-2017 2017/584 2/8/2017 Request for emails to and from the AFP Commissioner that relate to the Edwards Cultural Review into POCL
27-2017 2017/517 2/8/2017 Request for the Independent Review into the Proceeds of Crime Litigation Portfolio (less attachments)
28-2017 2017/513 2/8/2017 All correspondence between AFP officials and offices and the AFP media team relating to the breach of the TIA Act in the last two weeks of April.
29-2017 2018/60 25/8/2017 Documents in relation to Prince Harry's trip to Australia in June 2017
30-2017 2017/546 21/8/2017 Documents in relation to the proposals to have a corruption or integrity commission in the ACT

Disclosure Log ref no. FOI request ref no. Date access granted to applicant Scope of request (summary)
06-2016 CRM 2016/266 28/1/2016 All documents/photos/CCTV relating to inappropriate relationships (i.e. romantic, unethical) between police and criminals since January 1st, 2013. If more than 10 incidences with CCTV are located, limit to 10 offences against the person whereby there is no pending legal action (PDF, 9MB)
09-2016 2016/329 29/1/2016

Every joint protocol for cooperation and/or Memorandum of Understanding for sharing intelligence and/or law enforcement information with any government agencies of the following countries;

  1. Argentine Republic;
  2. Republic of Colombia
10-2016 2016/180 6/1/2016

"(a) all current and applicable referenced legal entitlement/s written as AFP policy, or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), or other written agreement, or written contract between the  Australian Federal Police ("AFP") and The Department of Human Services ("Human Services") enabling private information (including, but not limited to, correspondence, email, photographs, records, information, data, reports, transmissions, recordings, transcripts, images or telephony) relating to, or about, or in association with or as it may apply to Edward Thomas John Mitchell ("the applicant"), to be obtained from, or supplied to, or exchanged with AFP.

(b) all current and applicable referenced legal entitlement/s written as AFP policy, or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), or other written agreement, or written contract between the AFP and any person or entity enabling private information (including, but not limited to, correspondence, emails, photographs, records, information, data, reports, transmissions, recordings, transcripts, images or telephony) relating to, or about, or in association with or as it may apply to Edward Thomas John Mitchell ("the applicant"), to be obtained from, or supplied to, or exchanged with AFP.

(c) a compliance statement or record regarding any; inability to locate or, loss or, deletion or, disposal or, destruction of any information or part of that should have been included in AFP's FOI responses to the applicant's FOI request described in paragraphs marked (a) and (b).

13-2016 2016/123 12/1/2016 ...copies of all AFP statistic reports provided to the Minister of Justice since 1 July 2013 to the date of this request (PDF, 24MB)
14-2016 2016/345 11/4/2016 Copies of all minutes from meetings with NSWPOL and/or NSWCC regarding Operation Gymea, Operation Mocha and Operation Rhodium dating from 1 December 2004 onwards (PDF, 1MB).
15-2016 2016/261 15/4/2016
  1. Documents relating to complaints made against AFP employee for the time period that he has been employed by the AFP.
  2. All documents that the AFP produced relating to Bronwyn Bishop and the Minchin Protocol.
  3. All documents sent between the two parties Scott Rush and the AFP, relating to a drug tip-off.
16-2016 2016/524 17/5/2016 Any documents which detail income derived from ACT Policing's user pays policy from 1 January to 31 December 2015 (PDF, 500KB)
17-2016 2016/366 8/3/2016 Final report/post operation reports or similar regarding Operation Isogon (PDF, 1MB)
18-2016 2016/395 15/3/2016 Summary of expenditure in relation to monies spent by the AFP on the MH-17 recovery mission (PDF, 500KB)
20-2016 2016/583 16/6/2016 Copy of NBN Co's referral to the AFP relating of media leaks in November/December 2016 (PDF, 1MB)
21-2016 2016/582 16/6/2016 Diary notes and Case Note Entry in relation to the time interviews commenced and finished on 19/20 May 2016 with NBN staff over leaks from NBN to ALP or media (PDF, 1MB)
26-2016 2017/3 8/8/2016
  1. The number of guns owned by each of the 100 registered gun owners in the ACT who own and/or possess the highest number of guns (excluding firearms dealers and collectors)
  2. the postcodes of each of the 100 registered gun owners in the ACT who own and/or possess the highest number of guns (excluding firearms dealers and collectors).
  3. The total number of registered guns in the ACT (excluding firearms dealers and collectors).
  4. The numbers of registered guns and registered gun owners in each postcode (excluding firearms dealers and collectors).
  5. The largest number of firearms owned by a single person in each postcode (excluding firearms dealers and collectors).
27-2016 2017/3 8/8/2016 Stolen firearms for the years: 2013 to2014 and 2014 to 2015 (calendar years) for the ACT
28-2016 2017/13 8/8/2016 The original complaint regarding a text message sent on July 2 purportedly by Medicare about Medicare
29-2016 2016/488 8/8/2016 Executive and ministerial briefings (incl. attachments) mentioning investigations into the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), the Health Services Union (HSU), the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and [named] current and former trade union officials
30-2016 2016/447 11/8/2016 All material produced in relation to actual or suspected criminal activity involving a [named] Australian citizen in Vietnam [Operation Yavanna]
31-2016 2016/568 26/8/2016
  1. 'Final Report into the joint investigation by the Australian Federal Police and the Department
         of Defence called Operation MAJORCA dated late 1999 or 2000,' or a title in a similar fashion.
  2. The letter(s) of transmittal that accompanied the final report.
  3. I also request any media releases or ministerial statements relating to its final release dated
        late 1999 or 2000.
  4. From the Register of documents or a similar some such "control" can you advise
    1. on what day the report was presented to the Office of the then Commissioner of the AFP.
    2. on what day the report was presented to the Office of the then Responsible Minister/s.
    3. on what day the report was transmitted to the Department of Defence.
32-2016 2016/472 26/8/2016 The contract referred to as "CN764971-A20" between the Commonwealth (as represented by the AFP) and Point in respect of the Project and any other contract between the Commonwealth and Point in respect of the Project.
33-2016 2017/028 16/9/2016 All current incoming Government briefs.
34-2016 2017/16 15/9/2016 Documents relating to sexual assaults at Canberra Universities
35-2016 2016/570 13/9/2016 Documents relating to policies and procedures in relation to telecommunications data retention
36-2016 2016/587 13/10/2016 Request for documents in relation to airport security breaches
37-2016 2017/30 27/10/2016 Costs in relation to the new AFP forensic facility in Canberra
38-2016 2017/152 21/10/2016 A copy of file number 2015/00011727 Citizenship Loss Board – AFP Participation
39-2016 2017/107 3/11/2016 Statistics relating to arrests at Melbourne Airport concerning prohibited items
40-2016 2017/160 4/11/2016 Request for guidelines, presentations, policy statements, legal opinions, memoranda and briefs related to Operation Pacifier from January 2014 until 21 September 2016
41-2016 2017/188 10/11/2016 Request for documents detailing income derived from ACT Policing's user pays policy for the period 1 January to 30 June 2016 for special events, including documents detailing numbers of attendees per event and associated Police recovery costs
42-2016 2017/87 11/11/2016 Request for internal correspondence, such as emails, memos, letters, executive or ministerial briefing notes and attachments, diary entries, photos and CCTV between 22 and 24 August 2016 relating to raids of Parliament house.
43-2016 2017/219 17/11/2016 Request for FOI delegations and any related directions.
44-2016 2017/173 18/11/2016 Request for records regarding Contract Notice View CN416934.
45-2016 2017/199 18/11/2016 Request for LPP protocols.
46-2016 2017/148 18/11/2016 Request for all diary notes from AFP officers stationed on Nauru that mention sexual assault allegations on Nauru or training in relation to the handling of sexual assault allegations on Nauru for the period 1 June 2015 to 16 September 2016.
47-2016 2017/103 28/11/2016 Correspondence held by the AFP that pertains to the progress of a referral by the Department of Defence to the AFP mentioned in a SMH article on 22 April between 20/4/16 to 29/8/16.
48-2016 2019/197 6/12/2016 All advice or reports provided to the Justice Minister and the Attorney-General surrounding the classification of lever action shotguns.
49-2016 2019/187 14/12/2016 Request for the circular and briefs relating to compliance issues in Family Day Care for the period 1 February 2015 to 11 October 2016.
50-2016 2017/272 14/12/2016 Request for documents described as an "oath" document or similar that is signed by an AFP officer.
53-2016 2017/17/265 23/12/2016 Request for documents in relation to performance appraisals conducted on AFP Management.

Disclosure Log ref no. FOI request ref no. Date access granted to applicant Scope of request (summary)
15/2015 2015/426 26/6/2015 Students of Sustainability Protest March  for aboriginal Sovereignty (PDF, 7MB)
16/2015 2015/341 8/7/2015 Correspondence of 9 December 2013 concerning an investigation into the alleged mismanagement of Talus Street Reserve Trust (PDF, 600KB)
17/2015 2015/496 13/7/2015 The CCPM assessment of the referral relating to allegation that officials paid people smugglers in an asylum seeker turn back operation (PDF, 160KB)
18/2015 2015/511 13/7/2015 Assistance provided by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to the Government of Sri Lanka and/or their associated entities (PDF, 2MB)
19/2015 2016/36 29/7/2015 Documents relating to crime statistics for Kambah Pool and Pire Island between 1st January 2015 to 30th June 2015 (PDF, 1MB)
20/2015 2015/198 17/7/2015 Executive/ministerial briefing notes and attachments, reports, and correspondence, including letter and emails, since 01.10.2014 relating to the investigation into the Balibo Five and the decision to discontinue it (PDF, 27.5MB)
21/2015 2015/410 10/7/2015 Apprehensions (arrests) and offences for: prohibited items, prohibited weapons at a screening point and offences/disorderly behaviour on an aircraft at and in relation to Canberra Airport in the last two years (PDF, 1MB)
22/2015 2015/404 29/7/2015 Audit report completed in December 2013 into the control of specialised equipment in the AFP and any attachments reports which indicate how many pieces of specialised equipment have been lost or misplaced or unaccounted from  June 2013 to April 2015 (PDF, 7MB)
23/2015 2015/405 14/7/2015 Audit into secondary employment and conflicts of interest which were tabled T at the AFP Audit Committee meeting in September 2014 (PDF, 14MB)
29/2015 2016/37 28/8/2015 AFP biannual statistic reports to the Minister of Justice on assistance provided by the AFP to foreign law enforcement agencies (LEAs) in possible death penalty cases (PDF, 8MB)
30/2015 2016/70 26/82015 The CCPM assessment referral relating to allegations against IHMS (PDF, 550KB)
31/2015 2016/125 1/10/2015 Statistics relating to number of ComCare claims by AFP employees for years 2013 and 2014 (PDF, 1MB)
32/2015 2016/52 15/9/2015 Inappropriate use of mobile phone at Sydney International Airport (PDF, 4MB)
33/2015 2016/77 2/10/2015 Operation Apolune situation reports

Documents released
  • Part 1 (PDF, 11MB)
  • Part 2 (PDF, 10MB)
34/2015 2016/59 15/10/2015 Part 12 of the AFP Commissioner's Order on Operational Safety (CO3) (PDF, 500KB)
35/2015 2016/150 23/10/2015 Information regarding offences committed at Sydney Airport, exclusively those related to the possession of a prohibited weapon (including airport screening points) for a period of two years including the weapon in possession (PDF, 600KB)
36/2015 2016/41 24/09/2015 Documents relating to AFP decision not to launch a proceeds of crime action against former Gunns chairman John Gay (PDF, 2MB)
39/2015 2015/497 23/09/2015 Documents relating to the arrest of a minor in 2005 for forged documents (PDF, 450KB)
40/2015 2015/438 29/09/2015 Case Summaries relating to "Offensive/Disorderly behaviour on Aircraft" since 1/1/2011.

Documents released
  • Part 1 (PDF, 29MB)
  • Part 2 (PDF, 28.5MB)
41/2015 2016/93 21/10/2015 Last five 3LA warrant applicant sought by AFP (PDF, 2MB)
42-2015 2016/17 16/10/2015 A report in relation to cases for the 2014-15 financial year whereby recruits of AFP College have been either disqualified from completing the course or place on subsequent course due to injuries. Courses to include both Federal Police Development Program and Protective Service Officer Program (PDF, 500KB)
43-2015 2016/117 2/11/2015 Documents held by AFP relating to John Warwick (PDF, 2.6MB)
44-2015 2016/154 16/10/2015 RFT 65-2010 – Supply, implementation and support of an investigations, intelligence and incident management solution (PDF, 850KB)
45-2015 2016/106 21/10/2015 Referrals received from Department of Defence for period 1 January 1995 – 31 August 2015 regarding fraud related matters (PDF, 2MB)
46-2015 2016/226 17/11/2015 Statistics on police attendance to Hester place, Chisholm, ACT (PDF, 650KB)
01-2016 2016/219 16/12/2015 Documents held by the AFP regarding Australian citizen Matthew Stewart (PDF, 7MB)
02-2016 2016/244 16/12/2015 Request for all emails sent to Google for requests for user data from September 2014 to present date (PDF, 200KB)
03-2016 2016/242 23/12/2015 Request for documents relating to the collection of genetic data from Genetic Services providers (GSPs) by the AFP, specifically the number of times the AFP sought genetic data from GSPs over the past five years; the number of times AFP has successfully obtained genetic data from GSPs over the past five years and the number of prosecutions that have included the use of data obtained from GSPs (PDF, 450KB)
07-2016 2016/202 5/11/2015 Any manual on the Suburban Policy Strategy, statistics on the Suburban Policy Strategy outcomes: individual stopped; move-on directions etc... (PDF, 1.5MB)
08-2016 2016/131 30/10/2015 All documents in relation to Operation Hitch including:
  • All documents relating to requests from foreign law enforcement agencies for assistance in death penalty situations; and
  • Any other documents setting out decision-making by the AFP for provision of information to Chinese law enforcement for offences to which the death penalty applies.
All documents relating to requests from foreign law enforcement for international police-to-police assistance in death penalty situations received on the following 7 dates (as per the biannual reports to the Minister):
  • 1 May 2014; 23 May 2014; 26 May 2014; 2 June 2014; 6 June 2014; 1 July 2014 and 18 July 2014.
11-2016 2016/415 5/11/2015 Reports since 1 January 2014, including briefing notes and attachments in relation to:
  1. Findings of internal audits commissioned by the AFP; and
  2. Findings of external audits commissioned by the AFP.
12-2016 2015/459 11/8/2015
  1. All correspondence between the AFP, Indonesian National Police and National Narcotics Board of Indonesia in relation to Bali Nine members Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran in the two periods April 2005-April 2006 and April 2014-May 2015; and
  2. Correspondence between the AFP, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Minister relating to Bali Nine members Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran in the two periods April 2005-April 2006 and April 2014-May 2015.
(Updated on 17 Jun 2016)
CRM 2015/418 4/6/2015 Documents relating to the unauthorised leaking of the Office of National Assessments report "Iraq:  humanitarian dimensions" and the subsequent AFP investigation into the unauthorised leak of the report (PDF, 3MB)

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If you are having difficulty accessing the information, please contact us.


Freedom of Information
Australian Federal Police
GPO Box 401
Canberra City ACT 2601