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News Centre

24 May 2023
Media Release
More than 300kg of methamphetamine hidden in steel machinery seized in Sydney
23 May 2023
Media Release
Queensland man charged in WA with child abuse-related offence
23 May 2023
Media Release
Sydney man jailed for importing gun parts
22 May 2023
Media Release
Five Eyes Law Enforcement Group speech by AFP Commissioner, Reece Kershaw
20 May 2023
Corporate Plan 2021 - 2022
17 May 2023
Media Release
Argentinian man jailed for possessing more than 4,000 files of child abuse material
16 May 2023
Media Release
AFP and Vanuatu Police Force improving reach and coverage of police in Vanuatu
15 May 2023
Australian Federal Policing | The first thirty years