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12 July 2024, 6:38pm
Media Release

WA man sentenced for assaulting AFP officer at Perth Airport

A Warnbro man has pleaded guilty in Perth Magistrates Court today (12 July, 2024) to charges of trespass, and assaulting and obstructing AFP officers at Perth Airport yesterday afternoon.

The Magistrate issued the man, 38, with a $3250 fine and ordered him to pay costs of $156.

The AFP charged the man yesterday (11 July, 2024) after responding to reports of a person being disruptive inside the international terminal just after 6pm.

AFP officers escorted the man from the international terminal, but he refused to leave and tried to remain in the area.

When the officers then attempted to arrest the man, he resisted arrest and attempted to head-butt officers and kicked an officer in the chest.

The officer was not physically injured during the incident.

AFP Perth Airport Superintendent Peter Hatch said the AFP would not tolerate violent behaviour towards police or anyone else.

 “The AFP has zero tolerance for antisocial, violent or dangerous behaviour and will prosecute anyone if they pose a threat to people’s safety,” he said.

The man appeared before Perth Magistrates Court and pleaded guilty to:

  • One count of assaulting a public officer, contrary to section 318(1)(d) of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913 (WA).  
  • One count of trespass, contrary to section 70A(2) of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913 (WA).  
  • One count of obstructing a public official, contrary to section 172(2) of the Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913 (WA).  

The man was fined $3250 and costs and a spent conviction order was made.

If you require a police presence at an airport, or wish to report an incident or provide information, please call AFP’s Airport Watch on 131 AFP (131 237).

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