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17 July 2019, 8:50am
Media Release

MH17 Five Year Anniversary

Today is the fifth anniversary of the tragic downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 by a BUK surface-to-air missile over eastern Ukraine.

Australian Federal Police (AFP) members will today remember and honour the 298 men, women and children on board who were killed far from their homes and loved ones. Our thoughts remain with their families left behind.

The first AFP contingent of members left for Operation Bring Them Home five years ago. In the intervening years, more than 500 AFP members have been involved in victim recovery and investigative processes internationally.

The AFP is committed to the process of seeking justice for all the victims and families. AFP members are providing investigative, intelligence and forensic expertise to assist Dutch police and prosecutors to successfully identify and prosecute those responsible.

The AFP will continue to proudly work alongside its domestic and international partners as part of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT).

The JIT consists of representatives from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine. It was established soon after the downing of the plane, and supported by United Nations resolution 2166.

AFP Assistant Commissioner Peter Crozier said the last five years have had a significant impact on the agency and those members involved in the investigation.

"We cannot replace the family and friends lost in this incident, but we do not forget, and will continue working to ensure some measure of justice for those affected.

“Five years on from that tragic day, the commitment of all JIT partners – both in Australia and internationally – has not wavered, and we remain resolute in seeing this investigation through to a conclusion,” said Assistant Commissioner Crozier.

Media enquiries:
AFP National Media: (02) 5126 9297

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