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19 October 2016, 8:49am
Media Release

Detectives appeal for further information after man charged over $300,000 fraud allegedly using a fraudulent passport

*** Editors note: Vision of the arrest is available via ‘Hightail’:
Images of two men who police believe may be able to assist with inquiries have been posted on the NSWPF Facebook page***.

A man has been charged with fraud as part of an ongoing joint-agency investigation into alleged identity crime offences.

The Identity Security Strike Team (ISST), a multi-jurisdictional initiative between the NSW Police Force and the Australian Federal Police (AFP), investigates high level, complex identity fraud and related security matters under both Commonwealth and State legislation.

In October 2015, the ISST commenced investigations under Operation Glorian after receiving information from Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade about the use of fraudulently altered Australian passports to facilitate fraud in Sydney.

Investigators were alerted to a fraudulently altered Indonesian passport, which was seized at a bank in Sydney CBD in November 2015
As a result of their inquiries, investigators discovered a number of bank accounts had been fraudulently accessed using altered Australian or Indonesian passports.

About 7.30am on Monday (17 October 2016), a 24-year-old man was arrested by ISST investigators at a residence in Hurstville.

He was taken to Hurstville Police Station and charged with 12 counts of fraud and two counts of deal with identity information.

Police will allege in court the man had used a fraudulently altered Australian passport to fraudulently obtain more than $300,000 from financial institutions in one day.

He was granted bail to appear at Sutherland Local Court on Tuesday 29 November 2016.

Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis, State Crime Command’s Fraud & Cybercrime Squad Commander, said Op Glorian investigations are continuing.

“As part of our ongoing inquiries, we have released images of two men we believe may be able to assist the investigation,” Det Supt Katsogiannis said.

“We urge the community to have a look at the images and contact us if they can provide any information to assist.

“You can provide information anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online (

“We will continue to work closely with our law enforcement colleagues to combat this type of activity and reduce financial and emotional distress to individuals," Det Supt Katsogiannis said.

AFP Commander Peter Crozier, Manager Criminal Assets, Fraud & Anti-Corruption, said the strike team was committed to combating identity crime due to the use of false identities being a key enabler of other crime types.

“The success of this operation directly reflects the value of the strong collaboration between partner agencies in meeting the complex challenges of identity crime,” Commander Crozier said.

“The AFP continues to work closely with our partners across the public and private sectors to respond to identity crime and protect the integrity of Australia’s identity systems and processes”.

The offence of deal with identification information carries a penalty of up to 10 years imprisonment.

Media contacts:

NSW Police Force: (02) 8835 8339
Australian Federal Police: (02) 6131 6333