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23 August 2024, 3:54pm
Media Release

AFP and Vanuatu Police Force working together to bolster security in the region

Editor’s note: Images are available via Hightail.

The AFP, in collaboration with the Australian Defence Cooperation Program (DCP), has this week provided the Vanuatu Police Force (VPF) with a suite of equipment and refurbished infrastructure aimed at boosting policing capability within the region.

At a ceremony in Port Vila on Tuesday (20 August, 2024), AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw presented VPF Commissioner Robson Iavro with 13 new police vehicles, two new boats, and a range of high-grade policing equipment for use in communities across Vanuatu.

A series of AFP-supported VPF infrastructure projects were also unveiled, including a re-furbished Forensic Laboratory, re-furbished facilities at the Police Training College, a new Fare (ni-Vanuatu gathering place) at Freshwota police post, and the first of five soon-to-be renovated police houses at Independence Park.

Commissioner Kershaw said the visit to Vanuatu provided an opportunity to reaffirm the AFP’s ongoing commitment to working with the VPF to ensure a safe and prosperous region.

“It was an honour to be welcomed to Vanuatu by my friend Commissioner Iavro and to witness firsthand the close working partnership our two forces share,” Commissioner Kershaw said.

“We are proud to provide this new equipment and support the infrastructure projects and look forward to the continued collaboration between Australia and Vanuatu.

“The AFP is committed to working together with our colleagues in the VPF to continue to protect our communities from criminal threats and maintain safety within the region.”

While in Vanuatu, Commissioner Kershaw engaged in productive high-level talks with Commissioner Iavro and the newly appointed Minister of Internal Affairs, the Hon Andrew Napuat. The talks were aimed at strengthening the longstanding close partnership between the two police forces with Minister Napuat describing the AFP as family.

The AFP has committed an additional $32.7 million which will be used to fund the new Port Vila Central Police Station through an investment from the Australian Pacific Police Partnership Program (AP4). The investment will also deliver eight police motorcycles and a Naiad Rigid Hull Patrol Vessel to enhance VPF’s maritime operations capability and support community across Vanuatu’s 83 islands.

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