AFP logo at EBB Canberra

Fraud and corruption

Working with our partners in Australia and overseas to stamp out fraud and corruption against the Commonwealth of Australia
    About this crime type

    About this crime

    Fraud and corruption are serious and complex crimes that need specialised skills and many resources to detect and prosecute.

    We're responsible for investigating serious or complex fraud and corruption against the Australian Government. This includes:

    • electoral fraud
    • tax evasion
    • welfare fraud
    • identity crime
    • corruption by government officials.

    We work with other government agencies in Australia and overseas to stamp out foreign bribery and grand corruption.

    We don't, in general, investigate fraud and corruption in the private or not-for-profit sectors unless they also affect the Australian Government.

    We also take action against organisers, major importers and wholesalers of fake products that infringe intellectual property laws.

    Crime Interrupted

    We provided exclusive access to our case vault and this podcast series provides a detailed insight into how the AFP interrupts the most serious of crimes.

    Crime interrupted podcast

    Our work

    Our fraud and corruption business area responds to:

    • serious or complex fraud against the Australian Government
    • corruption by Australian Government employees
    • foreign bribery
    • intellectual property crime
    • complex identity crime.

    We are part of a range of multi-agency taskforces that combat fraud and corruption.

    Taskforce Integrity

    We work with Services Australia to investigate serious fraud and identity crime in Australia’s welfare system.

    Our joint operation is known as Taskforce Integrity.

    It focuses on criminal networks and individuals who steal identities to hijack payments. It also looks at people on welfare with large amounts of unexplained wealth.

    The taskforce can recover debts by:

    • stopping a person leaving the country through a departure prohibition order
    • seizing and selling assets
    • taking money through bank accounts, wages and tax refunds.

    If the taskforces finds evidence of a crime, it refers the matter to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.

    Fraud Fusion Taskforce

    The Fraud Fusion Taskforce investigates fraud across government services, focusing on the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

    Members include:

    • the AFP
    • the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
    • Services Australia
    • law enforcement agencies and regulators.

    It allows us to share intelligence about and respond to welfare fraud, especially if committed by serious and organised crime bodies.

    Serious Financial Crime Taskforce

    The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) heads up the Serious Financial Crime Taskforce, which focuses on:

    • cybercrime that affects the tax and superannuation systems
    • offshore tax evasion
    • illegal phoenix activity.

    The AFP sits on the taskforce, along with:

    • ACIC
    • the Attorney-General's Department
    • ASIC
    • the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
    • the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs, which includes the Australian Border Force
    • Services Australia.

    National Anti-Corruption Commission

    The National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022 (Cth) established the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).

    This independent agency detects, investigates and reports on serious or systemic corrupt conduct in the Australian Government public sector, including the Australian Parliament.

    When requested, we provide specialist capability assistance to support the NACC’s investigations.

    International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre

    We are a member of the International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre, which provides coordinated support for global law enforcement agencies to investigate grand corruption offences such as:

    • bribery of public officials
    • embezzlement
    • abuse of function
    • laundering of the proceeds of crime.

    Find out more about what we do.

    Report a crime or concern

    We can investigate Commonwealth crimes (sometimes called federal crimes) and crimes that take place in the Australian Capital Territory. What best describes the crime you want to report or what you want to tell us about?

    Join us

    Be part of national and international efforts to detect and prosecute serious and complex fraud and corruption.

    We are always looking for critical thinkers with investigation and analytical skills to work in our specialist Fraud and Corruption business area.

    You can choose from a variety of challenging and rewarding roles.

    Our intelligence officers and analysts support operational work by giving us a single picture of criminal threats and harm to help us make crucial decisions.

    Our cybercrime investigators help us defend against criminals using the online space to commit serious fraud and corruption.

    Or perhaps you would like to use your qualifications and experience as a forensic accountant to help us follow money trails.

    Find out more about these roles:

    You can apply for positions when they are advertised on our Jobs portal.

    Police and PSOs

    Protective service officer

    Specialist and support

    Team member – Criminal Records

    Specialist and support

    Forensic accountant

    Specialist and support

    Community liaison officer