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27 February 2019, 3:57pm
Media Release

Man charged for dealing in proceeds of crime after arrest at Sydney Airport

A 27-year-old Perth man has been charged with possession of more than $100,000 suspected of being the proceeds of crime after Australian Federal Police (AFP) Officers seized large bundles of cash allegedly concealed within the man’s luggage.

Upon arrival at Sydney Airport, the man was subjected to a baggage search by AFP officers accompanied by an AFP detector dog during which a large sum of cash was discovered.

It will be alleged the man estimated there was approximately $100,000 concealed inside a backpack within his checked bag.

The man was subsequently arrested and charged with one count of Dealing in property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime, contrary to Section 400.9(1) of the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth).

Sydney Airport Police Crime Manager, Station Sergeant Peter Mullins said the arrest was a good example of the AFP’s capability to detect large amounts of currency on persons and within luggage leading to the seizure of currency relating to proceeds of crime. The man appeared before Sydney Central Local Court today, where he was remanded in custody until 24 April 2019.

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AFP National Media: (02) 6131 6333

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