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20 May 2024, 9:51am
Media Release

International traveller charged at Sydney Airport

A Canadian citizen, 33, is scheduled to appear in Downing Centre Local Court today (20 May, 2024) for allegedly attempting to open an aircraft emergency exit door on an international flight.

The man was charged by the AFP after arriving into Sydney Airport on a flight from Vancouver, Canada, on (14 May, 2024).

It will be alleged another passenger noticed the man attempting to open the emergency exit door about two hours into the flight and pulled him away.

Airline staff moved the man to a seat at the rear of the aircraft and supervised him for the remainder of the flight.

It will be alleged the man was intoxicated at the time of the incident.

The AFP responded to a request to meet the flight at the arrivals gate at Sydney International Airport. Police arrested the man and charged him with:

  • One count of threaten safety of aircraft, contrary to section 24 (1)(b)(ii) Civil Aviation Act 1988 (Cth).

The maximum penalty for this offence is a $5,000 fine or imprisonment or both.

AFP Detective Inspector Dom Stephenson said the AFP was committed to supporting airport staff and ensuring all travellers experienced a safe journey from their departure through to their arrival at their destination.

“The AFP and our aviation partners have no tolerance for antisocial, violent or dangerous behaviour and we will take action,” Detective Inspector Stephenson said.

“Passengers expect to feel safe and should not have to witness or endure intoxication or reckless behaviour."

If you require a police presence at an airport, or wish to report an incident or provide information, please call the AFP’s Airport Watch on 131 AFP (131 237).

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