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26 January 2016, 7:33am
Media Release

Former Commissioner among AFP officers recognised in Australia Day Honours List

Former AFP Commissioner Tony Negus has been awarded an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for his distinguished service to the organisation, and is recognised alongside three officers for their significant community contribution.

AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin congratulated his predecessor and recognised his 32-year contribution to the organisation.

“Among his many contributions to the AFP, Tony Negus was Commissioner at a time when the foreign fighter risk was evolving, guiding the agency in the development of our capabilities to deal with this emerging threat,” Commissioner Colvin said.

Superintendent Mark McIntyre, Federal Agent Yvonne Crozier and Detective Sergeant Greg McLeod have also been awarded Australian Policing Medals for their services to law enforcement.

Recognised for their many achievements, two of the officers made outstanding contributions to Operation Arew – the AFP’s response to the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.

“I congratulate Mark, Yvonne and Greg for their outstanding contributions to policing, which are well deserving of this recognition today,” Commissioner Colvin said.

Superintendent Mark McIntyre began his career with the AFP in 1999. He has been recognised for distinguished service, principally in the area of special reference investigations. In 2014, Mark also played an important role in mission coordination for the MH17 disaster.

Detective Sergeant Yvonne Crozier has been with the AFP since 1994. The medal is in recognition of her distinguished service in the areas of investigation and famy liaison. Following the downing of MH17, Yvonne made a significant contribution as part of the Family Liaison team working with families of victims affected by the tragedy.

Detective Sergeant Greg McLeod’s policing career began in the Northern Territory Police in 1976, before he moved to the AFP almost ten years later. The medal is awarded in recognition of his distinguished service, particularly in the areas of counter terrorism and national operations. Greg was also involved in Operation Inca, which culminated in the world's largest seizure of ecstasy when almost 15 million pills were seized in 2007.

Editors’ note: Biographies and photographs of Superintendent Mark McIntyre, Federal Agent Yvonne Crozier and Detective Sergeant Greg McLeod are available on request.

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