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26 April 2019, 10:52am
Media Release

AFP marks 20th anniversary of Chinese Policing Partnership

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Chinese law enforcement agencies are marking the 20th anniversary of their policing partnership.

AFP Deputy Commissioner Operations Neil Gaughan highlighted the collective work of the two agencies since the AFP formally established an office in Beijing on 5 April 1999. 

“The AFP was the first law enforcement agency to be invited into China and we have worked together – strongly and productively – across a range of mutual transnational and serious organised crime types,” DC Gaughan said.

“In particular, since 2015, the work of Taskforce Blaze has stopped more than 22 tonnes of narcotics and precursor chemicals from finding their way into the Australian community.

“Further, since 2017 we have seized more than $18 million worth of property on behalf of Chinese authorities related to Chinese people in Australia involved in illegal activities, primarily money laundering.

“These examples show how crucial this relationship is in creating a more safe and secure region — and protecting our countries from mutual crime threats. We have achieved success, and we look forward to building on this success over the next 20 years.”

Director General Liao Jinrong of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Public Security pointed out that China-Australia law enforcement cooperation has become an important part of bilateral relations of the two countries.  He hopes that under the concept of "cooperation, innovation, rule of law and mutual benefit", the two sides will work hard for the next 20 years of China-Australian law enforcement cooperation, to bring well-being for the two countries and to contribute wisdom and strength to global governance and the creation of a community of humanity.

Other significant achievements in combatting economic crime and cybercrime are also notable and an important ongoing area of cooperation between the two countries. 

The AFP opened an additional post in Guangzhou in 2007.


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AFP National Media (02) 6131 6333

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