AFP logo at EBB Canberra

Film, TV and Entertainment service

We have a film, television, and entertainment service for the local and international film, television, books and entertainment requests. We can also connect you with resources and advice for the accurate portrayal of police.

Submission guide

Our Marketing Communications Team use this guide to assess the potential value of involvement in film and television productions, and other projects, for our agency and the community. Value is also assessed in terms of awareness, education, public reassurance and/or the potential to assist in solving a crime. We consider the likely impact on operations; resources, including the availability of police officers and protective service officers; and any legal, security and confidentiality restrictions.

Overview of project

Include details on proposed format of project i.e. is it a documentary or fictional, how many episodes (if known), how is it being presented i.e. conversational tone for podcast, interview format between host and guests.
Is this project for entertainment, to educate or raise awareness of the AFP?
Demographic and location of audience is this for Australian and/or international audiences?
How does involvement in this project benefit the AFP and the community? Is there anything new or unique about this project?

Production details

What access does your project require? For example, access to locations for filming, interviews with AFP members, background briefings or information on AFP operations. If you are requesting an interview, please provide intended questions or topic of discussions for interviewees (if known).
Please provide any detail on timeframes, including planned release date for your project, duration of filming or production. Please confirm your project is funded (or a publishing deal in place).
Please provide details of how the project will be distributed/promoted/broadcast (if known).

Your contact details
